Interview, New Publications

Author Interview: Cat Books, Serial Killers, and Magical Realism

Red Penguin Books has a regular pod cast called “Between the Covers,” where they interview three Red Penguin authors. This episode featured Debbie De Louise, R.K. Mullins, and me.

Head Penguin Stephanie Larkin interviewed Debbie De Louise first. She introduced her books, Barking Up the Wrong Tree and Meows and Purrs. We talked about cats a little too long, lol, but who can resist? I refer to my third cat as my favorite serial killer and my husband’s catwife.She has recently left him for a younger man.

By minute 16, Stephanie began her interview of R.K. Mullins, so we switched over to America’s other favorite topic, serial killers…the human kind, not the cat kind, with Mullin’s book, A Sniper’s Kiss: Hate Takes a Bullet.

R.K. is a charming autodidact from Kentucky with no tolerance for rudeness. It makes one worry just a bit about why he writes about serial killers. I gathered from our talk and the title of the book that, the “victims” are the bad guys, or at least very rude. Someone mentioned it was like the Netflix series, Dexter, but he doesn’t like that series. We theorized a bit about why serial killers do what they do. My hypothesis: no mystery, just brain damage. We also talked about how responsible the mentally ill are for the hurt and damage they cause.

This lead us to my novel magical realist novel, by minute 32, Blue Woman Burning, about a family trying to recover from narcissistic parents. We also talked about my book of fabulist short stories, Strange Appetites, not to be confused with faboulousness, though if you find them so, I won’t be offended. After that, we talked about the difference between short stories and novels. Enjoy!

My husband and I recorded the audiobook version of Strange Appetites.

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